Be Dynamic Mobile And Global - Reduce Workforce Management Risk - San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Be Dynamic, Mobile, and Global

[image] "Managing a mobile, dynamic, work force does not have to be hard. And, it does not have to be expensive. In fact, managing your work force will be simple, effective, and less expensive with Insight."
- Ron Franke, CEO

What constitutes the work force of today and tomorrow? That work force is smart, knowledgeable, mobile, independent, and goal oriented.

The only way you can effectively meet the management and team challenges in a dynamic and mobile environment is with easy to use and access web tools:
  • Gain anytime and anywhere access to business and work related information.
  • Easily coordinate activities, schedules, dependencies, and commitments across geographic regions.
  • Determine the status of critical activities with a single click or tap.
  • Assign and automatically notify staff about new activities.
  • Share work related information content, files, images, video, and audio.
  • Create web-based knowledge material, such as guides, references, help, and specifications.

Manage Your Team, Sales, and Work with
Your Smart Phone, Tablet, and PC

Insight gives your mobile workforce the tools needed to work smarter, faster, and at a higher level of productivity.
