Expense Management - Managing Mobile Workforce - San Francisco, CA
Understanding Your Cost of Work Is the Difference between Profit and Loss

[image]Using Insight, you would have had a higher net profit last year. You would have had a more accurate accounting of your activity based costs, processes, and projects. You would have had the opportunity to recover lost revenue and bring in additional revenue. A primary benefit of Insight is it's ability to help you more accurately identify and manage activity based expenses.
With Insight's flexibility, you get the clarity and detail you need to manage your resources effectively. You have the opportunity to identify activity and asset costs for your organization as a whole, assets, job sites, work flows and projects, job and work activity categories, individual staff, and suppliers such as contract staffing and manufacturing companies. Insight can account for any of your job costs, such as: staff resources, material and supplies, rental equipment, travel time, transportation, and mileage, and per diem.

Tools to Analyze Costs
Insight's cost tools give you the opportunity to ask the cost related questions, for example what are the costs:
  • For the work activities performed by this individual?
  • To attend this trade show?
  • To acquire and maintain this asset?
  • To maintain this public area?
  • To acquire and support this specific customer?
  • To design and build this product?
  • To manage the release of a product?
  • To create and manage this advertising campaign?
  • To create the yearly budgets and plans?
Improve Budgetary Accuracy
Budgetary accuracy is derived from timely resource and expense information that encompasses all activities that go into a cost object, such as a work activity, process, project, or service. With Insight, you will be able to:
  • Trace operating costs and capital charges to key activities.
  • Identify the total cost for each business processes.
  • Link activities to processes and identify cost drivers.
  • Illustrate opportunities for more cost efficiencies.
Job Resource Cost Management
With Insight's work activity management facilities you can identify your job costs for specific work activities, processes, and projects. This gives you a much more accurate picture of all costs that go into accomplishing your mission critical activities and services. You gain the opportunity to make cost comparisons and projections enabling you to allocate your resources more effectively. With this more complete and accurate cost picture, you will be better able to account for and recover all costs that go into your product or service.
Asset Cost Management
Insight's Asset Management and expense facilities help you manage acquisition and maintenance related costs for your assets. This gives you the benefit of understanding the cost of ownership and the ability to project future expenses and resource needs to maintain your assets. Non-work related expenses can be associated directly with the asset itself, such as initial purchase and yearly renewal, and, expenses can be associated with work activities that are applied to the maintenance of your asset.

Job Site Cost Management
Insight's Site Management and expense facilities help you manage work activities associated with a geographic location, such as a public space and facility. This gives you the benefit of understanding the cost of maintaining that property or facility, including the ability to project future expenses and resource needs. Non-work related expenses can be associated directly with the site itself, such as equipment and material purchase, and, expenses can be associated with work activities that are applied to the maintenance of your site.

Expense Budget Sourcing
With Insight, you have the option of identifying any number of expense sources and assigning these to work activities. Thus you can easily create budgetary expense sources at the level that makes sense for your organization, such as:
  • Budgetary line items
  • Departments and sub organizations
  • Projects
  • Funding sources
  • Grants
