Foster Creative Thinking And Collaboration - Coordinating A Distributed Workforce - Santa Clara, CA
Foster Creative Thinking and Collaboration

[image] "The central goal in the concept of your being "Work Informed®" is your achieving success. A major way this is achieved is in giving you resources that enhance your ability to collaborate and think creatively."
- Ron Franke, CEO

Being Work Informed® gives you the leverage to achieve success through creativity and collaboration tools that enable you to work smarter and faster, be more creative, and work at a higher level of productivity and quality. Insight's resources help teams and individuals work more effectively to achieve group goals, and, to exchange information and ideas.

Creative thinking involves the creation or generation of ideas, processes, approaches, and solutions. Critical thinking involves the evaluation of concepts derived by the creative thinking process. Insight's creativity and collaboration resources provide the opportunity to ask questions, find answers, put down thoughts and ideas, brainstorm, and analyze. Insight channels the swirl of information and ideas into creative results by providing a shared platform that you and your team can use to ask questions, get answers, and pool your thoughts and ideas.

Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration Benefits Using Insight:
  • Fosters group communication and collaboration.
  • Eases information management and reporting.
  • Provides greater leverage within your organization for your high value information.
  • Provides information content security with access and publication protection.
  • Provides dynamically created and publishable web pages for internal or external web sites.
  • Radically reduces your costs of maintaining web site information.
  • Dramatically increases web site accuracy, information freshness, and overall content quality.
  • Enables immediate update of web site content.
  • Contains information management tools that support creative thinking.
  • Simplifies the managing, sharing, and archiving of files, such as documents, spread sheets, video, audio, and image.
