Insight Managing Complex Schedules - Managing Mobile Workforce - San Jose, CA
Insight's Management of Complex Schedules

[image]A powerful resource within Insight is the ability to create activities that can be scheduled and automatically assigned. These activities can contain all the information required to accomplish the action. This is especially useful for essential business operations such as:
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Security, safety, and inspection activities
  • Quality control monitoring and measurement
  • Training
  • Environmental controls
Insight's Flexible Schedules

With Insight you can create scheduled tasks that are based on one of Insight's flexible schedules, and optionally seasons, as described below. A powerful advantage of these scheduled tasks is that they can be defined not only to be for a given day and time, but be assigned to specific staff members and can contain detailed assignment information. Insight's schedules are:
  • Weekly - for a scheduled action that occurs every week on the specified weekdays, including an optional specific time of day.
  • Monthly By Day - for a scheduled action that occurs on specified weekdays, such as the first and third Monday of the month , including an optional specific time of day
  • Monthly - for a scheduled action that occurs every month on a specified common day between the first and the twenty eighth, including an optional specific time of day.
  • Yearly - for a scheduled action that occurs once a year on a specified day, including an optional specific time of day.
Insight is very useful in situations where there are a number of people performing multiple tasks at various sites, such as in managing and maintaining public spaces.

Insight - Defining a Schedule Season

Sometimes actions are dependent on the time of year. For example, if there is a preventative maintenance situation that requires more maintenance during the winter a maintenance task can be created, such as "perform maintenance every Monday between December 1 and April 1. A second maintenance task could be created, such as "perform maintenance every other Monday between April 2 and November 30.

With Insight you can define a unique season, where a season is a range of days with some start day and some different end day. Seasons can cross year boundaries and thus there is no notion of a year in the dates of a season. Seasons can be anything that you choose to define. They can be based on the normal calendar year, such as "Spring" and "Summer" or based on something such as the "School Year" or "Little League Season".

Insight provides a set of 6 seasons based on the normal season dates and a default "No Season" which is January 1 through December 31. An example of a predefined set of seasons are:
  • Summer Half Year -- March 20 - September 21
  • Winter Half Year -- September 22 - March 19
  • Spring -- March 20 - June 20
  • Summer -- June 21 - September 21
  • Fall -- September 22 - December 20
  • Winter -- December 21 - March 19
