Know Whos Doing What And Why - Simplifying Workforce Management - Santa Clara, CA
Know Who's Doing What and Why

[image] "Have you ever been blindsided by finding out that some one was working on something that they shouldn't be? With Insight you know at the click of the mouse who's doing what and why at any given time."
- Ron Franke, CEO Work Informed®, Inc.
Insight gives managers the tools they need to ensure staff members are working on the right tasks and projects. And, Insight gives staff the tools they need to easily communicate task status, issues, risks, and achievement. A major value with Insight is your ability to get the current state of your organization, departments, teams, and individual contributers any time from anywhere without interrupting these groups. As a manager you can get a quick snapshot of overall work activity status and dive into more detailed status reports. With Insight you can:
  • Ensure that tasks that must be accomplished now are being worked on or are completed.
  • Quickly understand risks and bottlenecks.
  • Get detailed information on task status and issues.
  • Obtain information using any web enabled device, such as your smart phone, tablet, or PC.
Insight alleviates your concern as a manager about accomplishment, accountability, and effectiveness.
