Security And Safety - Coordinating A Distributed Workforce - Santa Clara, CA
Insight's Security, Safety, and Inspection

[image]How do you document and verify your security and safety measures? Are they appropriately and efficiently scheduled, monitored, and reliable? Can you tell where your costs are going in maintaining a secure and safe environment?

With Insight you will gain increased productivity and organizational efficiencies in performing, verifying, reporting, and managing your security, safety, and preventative maintenance programs.

Ensuring Security and Safety Activities are Scheduled, Monitored, Documented, and Verified
Insight's work activity management and work flow resources provide you a comprehensive and easy to use safety and security tool that will ensure that these activities are: scheduled, monitored, documented, and verified. With Insight you can easily manage your security and safety activities, gain the benefit of a repository of inspection and maintenance records, report on past, current, and future activities, and, understand the costs associated with these activities. Insight establishes a security and safety resource management system that:
  • Enables you to develop detailed and customizable security and safety measures and procedures.
  • Enables you to develop verification processes that provide evidence of compliance.
  • Contains cost reporting tools that account for all costs associated with security, safety, and inspection activities.
  • Provides incident reporting and tracking.
  • Supports better security and safety activity cost management and cost transparency.
  • Supports training program scheduling and verification.
  • Establishes schedules for mission critical activities, such as inspections and preventative maintenance.
  • Enhances communication with a single source of the most accurate information which is especially useful for geographically diverse groups, work teams, contractors, and suppliers.
  • Provides site and user specific customization.
Simplified Security and Safety Process Management
Security and safety processes include managing activities, inspections, and preventative maintenance either based on a reported incident or based on some schedule. InsightInsight's flexible and information rich work activity and work flow process model provides you the information needed to ensure that these activities and processes are well defined, completed, documented, and verified. The general activity information includes:
  • Identification and location of what is to be done, specifications, notes, and acceptance criteria.
  • Required supplies, tools and equipment.
  • Assignment of the activity to either your own staff or that of contractors.
  • All staff and other costs associated with completing the activity.
  • Information articles that enable you to create inspection check lists.
  • Information articles that enable you to create training material, including images and video.
  • On-line storage of security and safety related documents, files, video, audio, image sets, graphics, and drawings.
Clear Communication of the Assignment and Expectations
Insight gives you the tools your staff, work groups, and contractors need to clearly communicate the security and safety procedure and activity, requirements, goals, and responsibilities; and importantly, to document and verify those activities.

Flexible Scheduling and Notification
Security and safety activities, inspections, and preventative maintenance actions can be automatically scheduled using Insight's flexible scheduling capabilities.

Detailed Cost Understanding
Insight provides cost analysis tools that directly support your budget planning and cost management objectives. You can identify security, safety, and inspection costs for your organization as a whole, job sites, work areas within a site, projects, work categories, work activity types, individuals, supplies used, equipment needed, and rental equipment.
Customizing Security and Safety Activities for Your Industry
Insight provides flexible utilities that allow you to customize the activities to meet your unique security and safety needs and requirements.
