Training And Reference - Managing Mobile Workforce - San Jose, CA
Using Insight for Training, Reference, and Knowledge Transfer

[image]Insight gives you easy to use tools to build information packed training and reference material, and, to provide access to these materials by your staff. Almost all jobs today require detailed information about the task. Many jobs include tasks that change due to technology or equipment revisions, continuing education requirements, safety issues, and newer information about that job. Insight provides simple to use resources to create and update your training and reference material.

Creating Training Resources
Insight's Article Editor, a secure wiki facility, was designed and built by Work Informed?, Inc. and lets you to easily create and update training material. You can create visually appealing and informative training manuals and courses. This material can contain nicely formatted text layouts with images, video, audio, and links to other articles, web sites, and files. This feature, for example, gives you a simple way to create and make accessible maintenance, training, safety, and other organizational material. An important Insight feature is the ability to associate training material with your assets, job sites, organizational departments, work flow processes, and scheduled tasks.

Used in conjunction with Insight's Work Activity Manager, you can ensure that required training courses are scheduled and assigned to your staff. This also gives you an easy way project training requirements and to account for training activity costs.

Optional Public Pages
A powerful feature of Insight's Article Editor is that you can make some of your articles available for internal or external consumption without having to log into Insight. This gives more of your staff, suppliers, contractors, and consumers access to up to date information without having to know about, or to log into, your copy of Insight. These individuals can gain the benefit of your training information in several ways:
  • By placing a link on your internal web site to that specific piece of training material identified by you as "Public".
  • By placing a link on your external web site to that specific piece of training material identified by you as "Public".
  • By simply e-mailing the link for the training material, also identified by you as "Public", to the individual in need.
Training Reference Resources

1. Image Set Editor and Viewer
Staff with Insight login privileges can be given access to the Image Set Viewer to view sets of images on topical information.
2. Organization Reference Desk
Insight contains facilities that enable you to create a reference desk for organizational FAQs, acronyms, and a glossary. This ensures that everyone in your organization understands, or at least has access to, key concepts used within your organization and industry. These Organization Reference Desk reports can also be made public for reference as described above to individuals that do not log into your copy of Insight.
3. File Library
Staff with Insight login privileges can be given access to the File Library which can contain stored documents, files, images, audio, and video.
